S.Y. 2024 - 2025
Rev. Fr. Nolan A. Que, PhD
(School Director/High School Principal)

Rev. Fr. Nicanor A. Celiano, Jr.
(Asst. School Director)

Mr. Benedicto L. Pascual
(Grade School Principal)

Mr. Melbhie Pescasio
(Asst. High School Principal)
Ms. Jo Ann S. Judimo

Ms. Rosynel L. Rodriguez
(Finance Officer)

Ms. April R. Samson
(HR Officer)

Mr. Rad Alem D. Galing
(HS - Campus Ministry Coordinator)

Mr. Angelo C. Mangahas
(GS - Campus Ministry Coordinator)
Ms. Leveriza B. Baui
(School Registrar)

Mrs. Candice D. Tongco
(Educational Technology Management Head)

Mr. Philip E. Rodriguez
(Physical Facilities Head)

Mr. Arman Thomas De Guzman
(Student Services and Activities Head)

Mr. Mark Anthony P. Tayag
(Student Services and Activities Assistant)

Ms. Jessel V. Tejano
(Information and Communication Officer)

Mr. Daverian C. De Guzman
(GS - Student Behavior Management Head)

Mrs. Elena G. Villareal
(JHS - Student Behavior Management Head)